Going Forth Coaching
Integral Coaching & Facilitation
with Emily Coralyne
In the beginning of January, Isabel Rosa & Emily Coralyne will be holding council as part of 7 Days of Rest & Sacred Renewal.
January 1-7, is a global co-creative event dedicated to seeding the New Year with a coherent field of rest and intention for the healing of Earth and all her inhabitants. This open event provides an opportunity for participants around the world to unite at this pivotal moment in time and to focus our collective energy on renewing ourselves and our sacred bonds with each other and with all of Life.
During these days, we will offer three sessions of 2-hour councils where you have the opportunity to be in circle with a maximum of 15 others to speak and to listen from your heart. Each day of the 7 Days of Rest & Sacred Renewal have different themes, and we will host the councils around the intentions of Day 2 - Nourishment, Day 4 - Communing, and Day 6 - Valuing, with the understanding that councils bring what they bring, and the energy of the day will enter the circle and will be expressed by our different voices.
Council is a practice that elicits an experience of true community, recognizing that each voice needs to be heard, that every person has a gift, a story to share, a piece of the whole. How do we remember all our relations, embrace differences, and find our own voices, while opening to others? Council offers a way of communicating that encourages attentive listening, as well as honest and compassionate expression. It makes room for new insights and understandings, wisdom in decision making, and healing.
More information about 7 Days of Rest & Sacred Renewal:
This is the 5th annual event that builds on all the previous years in laying the foundations for a New Era of Love and Wisdom in Action. You can explore the inspiring field that has already been co-created over the years on the website. Every year carries a unique vibration, as does each day. This year is dedicated to Sacred Renewal.