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Eco-Somatics, Integral Coaching
& Psychedelic Integration Support

Resilience. Wholeness. Vision.

Wonder. Synchronicity. Surrender.

Beckon and unfold your personal mythology and purpose.


Learn to listen and perceive guidance from the more than human world.


Cultivate your community and your role in the greater whole. 


Develop self-designed cyclical ceremony and rituals that you can integrate into all phases of your life. 



I guide people who yearn for spiritual orientation and connection to purpose, who aren’t sure what to do in a climate changing world to develop their vision, resilience, and wholeness.


With 1:1 guidance that helps deepen a sense of belonging and purpose, I work with people who are at a loss about what can be done in this poly-crisis we find ourselves in, who feel that they cannot go on with business as usual, and want to regain some sense of identity from a place of being, as what Martin Shaw calls, "scatterlings." Through eco-somatics, the felt sense of interwoven connection with the Earth and all beings, I hope that everyone I work with will develop resourcefulness from their essence and bring alive what is there's to do in this time. 


I have experience guiding people on self-designed wilderness wanders, exploring ancestry and white supremacy, and sifting through personal mythologies that have abundant wisdom when there is support to witness them consciously. 


I work with people who have experienced 'ecological awakenings' through plant medicines and other experiences, whose insights have motivated activism and care for our planet, but aren't sure how to integrate it into their lives.


If you have had an experience but aren't sure how to weave it into your daily life, received important messages but aren't sure how to act on them, have an image (or a few!) from a journey that is on a loop in your head and you haven't quite managed to understand it - Integration Coaching could be very supportive for you.


I truly believe that the information from these plant allies and other deep experiences with the web of life, when integrated, can provide profound insight and clarity on your path as well as encourage you towards your part in a yet-to-be-known collective emergence of humanitarian and planetary revival. 

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