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the work that reconnects


​​"The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization."


- Root Teacher Joanna Macy - 


People on a Deck

Experience an embodiment of systems thinking and deep ecology, revelatory meditations, and  dynamic group exercises that  reactivate your hope in a changing world. 

To be informed about upcoming workshops, please subscribe here.

“I have been feeling like I am going crazy and that I’m alone. After a weekend workshop of the Work That Reconnect, I left feeling like my feelings make sense and I am part of a community who cares about the state of the world, and can do something about it.”

-Alyssa Ruzavina-

upcoming workshops
Copy of SACRED ACTIVISM (1).png
past workshops
Previous Clients (6).png

LONDON NOV 29-DEC 1 2019

Copy of Going Forth Coaching (1).png

"The Work That Reconnects is a rich resource for those of us who want to engage more deeply with the emergency our beautiful planet is facing. I felt I was taken on this journey with love, wisdom and courage."

- XR Activist -

Previous Clients (3).png
Previous Clients (2).png

“I have been to many workshops… But nothing that made me feel as whole, alive and coherent as this one. I am leaving with new aliveness, energy and presence… And a clarity on my action moving forward.”

- Gwyneth Jones -

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